When we plan a kitchen design, one of the most important aspects to keep in mind is the storage. The multiple tasks that have to be done in this area require so many products, utensils, pots, pans and appliances to be keeped, and space becomes the most valuable resource so we have to make the best use of it.

One of our favorite ways to optimize is taking in count the dead space and we have incredible mechanisms that will transform dead corners into magical corners. We will increase the functionality of your kitchen taking all the advantages of that usually hard to access space and make it accessible and fully usable for storage.

But, if you are still asking yourself how do we make those magical corners?

To create a magical corner we use some awesome mechanisms that can be pulled, creating an extension effect that allows you to make the best use of space. It usually comes with four trays, two of them are attached to the inner wall of the door and the other two attached to themselves. It is very easy to use and also easy to clean.

A magical corner cabinet can be used to store tableware, pots and pans, and some utensils that are not for regular use, and that allow you to use your other cabinets and drawers for the daily essentials.

We recommend the use of magical corners in any kitchen with a joint below the counter, but it is most valuable in those where the space is limited. It fits perfectly in L-shaped, U-shaped and G-shaped kitchens.

Don’t you love this magical solution? If you want to be advised of the best options for your project our experts team will be happy to help you to design your dreams kitchen with all the space-saving mechanisms so you enjoy an easy and free flow movement in your final result.

Book a visit here and let’s start planning.